Showing posts with label debates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debates. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Post No. 32: Politics and Other Such Nonsense

(Responsive Comment by Guest Author The Laughingman to Post No. 30, “The Dangers Associated with Being ‘Peculiar’”)

© 2008, The Institute for Applied Common Sense

[In “Peculiar,” The Logistician submits that our fear of the unknown, or that which we consider to be “peculiar,” may be hard wired to promote survival in a complex world. He also suggests that as humans, we should be able to think and reason beyond our primal fears. He further employs us to do this as we approach the upcoming presidential election, and ignore the static.]


Seems we have hit a tipping point in American Politics.

Both of our presumptive candidates are roundly detested by significant minorities within their own parties.

Both campaigns have been taken over by the Political Pros...presumably to protect their money bases...while the likes of Tom Delay do their penance wandering in the wilderness.

The money people are back in Obama is linked to Paris and Brittany, and McCain is linked to Bush.

Ostensibly, all of this paid for "crap" is deemed necessary by the money boys who are scared to death they will wind up Mr. Abramoff's [(] new neighbors, should the other side win.

Jesse Jackson has similar, and significant, concerns.

So...every Sunday morning, we are treated to the posers that be, on both sides of the aisle, who drag their candidates back into the muck that we call Presidential Politics.

So, characters whose goals are subject to varying interpretations, like Carl Rove, are now advising John McCain; and the Clinton machine seems to have an unwelcome, and useless (except for the Clintons) impact on the Obama campaign message.

With all due respect to the people who have effectively run this country’s economic and social strategy for as long as this humble ad weasel can remember, why not let the boys simply debate the issues?

Why not let them do it for free, on national TV?

Why not let Obama be Obama?

Why not let McCain be McCain be McCain?

Would the country really suffer from a few delayed episodes of "Can You Survive a Japanese Game Show?"

Like it or not, Senator Obama has the hard core Democrat vote in his pocket.

Like it or not, Senator McCain has a similar lock on the Republicans, and the evangelical right wing.

They have no where else to go, other than to sit home...which might not be that bad an outcome. The current economy surely suggests so.

As a practicing ad weasel, I can assure you most of the money they have spent so far on paid media has been directed at their secured bases...and is indistinguishable from what Saturday Night Live is running as pure parody.

Again, I am but an humble ad weasel, but the first of these two, to break this time honored tradition of taking all the money guys out of the public pitch, will be the guy able to deliver at least some of what the money guys are trying to buy.

Of course, I could be wrong...but the people who are buying what I sell suggest not....

© 2008, The Institute for Applied Common Sense

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