Saturday, October 1, 2022

Post No. 207: An Unusual Post for Me


© 2022, The Institute of Applied Common Sense, LLC


I'm a major fan of Turner Classic Movies. 

Watching "Giant," for the 2nd time in 4 weeks. If you thought that the O.J. case touched on and revealed many contradictions in American society, check out this movie.


Class, wealth, racism, extreme inequality, tolerance, the lunch counter long before Woolworth's in Greensboro, greed, addiction, revenge, matrimonial loyalty, hubris, intolerance, politics, prejudice, religion, patriotism, the flag(s), regional pride, miscegenation, family, a tropical storm, arrogance, comeuppance, the role of women in society, and how people can change as they age, starring a guy who would ultimately "die of complications related to the virus known as AIDS," and a white gal who married 8 times, and ultimately became best friends of one of the more unusual black cats in the world of entertainment, too much reality (and not enough in the way of conspiracy theories) not to mention all 14 of the 7 deadly sins,

 And all of that within the first 20 minutes.

AND THE MOVIE which Will Smith  studiously absorbed before deciding to hit Chris Rock in front of millions....

Simply Special.


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